tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post1148107389582610128..comments2013-09-25T16:45:43.856-07:00Comments on The Book Vixen: Bloggiesta Mini-Challenge: How to Use IFTTT to Aut...Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comBlogger51125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-85151982974138553802013-09-25T16:45:43.856-07:002013-09-25T16:45:43.856-07:00I would love to be able to create that recipe! Let...I would love to be able to create that recipe! Let's hope IFTTT soon adds a Pinterest channel.Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-68901351377593145302013-09-25T16:44:12.839-07:002013-09-25T16:44:12.839-07:00I didn't do Bloggiesta, but I kept seeing your...I didn't do Bloggiesta, but I kept seeing your links about IFTTT. I've always been curious so I'm checking it out! But I'm super bummed Pinterest isn't one of their channels. I'd love to make a recipe so that every 4 or 5 star review I post it automatically gets pinned to my "Books I Adore" Board!Mandi Kaye @ Never Too Fond of Bookshttp://www.blogger.com/profile/02361130579333295006noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-11209863828481314102013-09-23T07:13:51.637-07:002013-09-23T07:13:51.637-07:00I, too, was intimated by IFTTT at first. But once ...I, too, was intimated by IFTTT at first. But once I got to playing around with it, and figured out how it works, I got comfortable with using it. <br /><br />Awesome recipe! <br /><br />Side note: If there are links in the tweets you are favoriting, I'd recommend using <a href="http://www.thebookvixen.com/2012/09/bloggiesta-mini-challenge-how-to-use.html" rel="nofollow">Pocket</a> to save the links for later ;)Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-76043901953793274502013-09-23T07:10:58.373-07:002013-09-23T07:10:58.373-07:00Awesome! Glad you are liking IFTTT.Awesome! Glad you are liking IFTTT.Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-75422393098929818812013-09-22T20:50:43.992-07:002013-09-22T20:50:43.992-07:00I am equally fascinated and intimated by IFTTT.
...I am equally fascinated and intimated by IFTTT. <br /><br />I never seem to get to my favorited tweets in a timely fashion. My favorited list just keeps growing and growing and growing. I created a recipe to email the favorited tweet to my email account - where I can post it on my calendar for review. [and the crowd goes wild]<br /><br />Thanks for hosting this mini challenge. It is going to be very helpful. Literary Mafiahttp://www.blogger.com/profile/05461647836096670879noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-50898894678272987392013-09-22T19:45:52.882-07:002013-09-22T19:45:52.882-07:00Wow, this is so cool! I created a recipe which cre...Wow, this is so cool! I created a recipe which creates a link post at facebook if I post a tweet with the hashtag "discussion". It will use the first URL in the tweet as the link and the tweet without the hashtag as the description. Thank you so much for such a helpful mini challenge!DoingDeweyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/09902496432225294188noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-83134055416945178372013-09-22T15:57:48.276-07:002013-09-22T15:57:48.276-07:00It's a time suck when you're checking out ...It's a time suck when you're checking out all the recipe options, I swear! LOL <br /><br />You can send Instagram pics to a FB Page. They are two separate channels: FB Profile and FB Page.Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-87930088690266555162013-09-22T15:56:02.898-07:002013-09-22T15:56:02.898-07:00Awesome! Hope you continue to find it useful, like...Awesome! Hope you continue to find it useful, like I have so far :)Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-62074782726017903882013-09-22T15:55:25.201-07:002013-09-22T15:55:25.201-07:00That's what intimidated me when I first learne...That's what intimidated me when I first learned about the site - THE CHOICES. It has so much to offer, with online activities and beyond. I just found out my 49ers are still losing thanks to IFTTT. Blessing, or curse? LOLBrianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-33982034447224033502013-09-22T15:53:23.265-07:002013-09-22T15:53:23.265-07:00IFTTT comes up with new channels often, so keep ch...IFTTT comes up with new channels often, so keep checking. Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-91094818908549056052013-09-22T15:00:43.229-07:002013-09-22T15:00:43.229-07:00Where has this website been all my life? At first ...Where has this website been all my life? At first I didn't think I would use it at all, but I've been experimenting for, like, an hour. Haha. So far I've only made two recipes. One posts my Instagram photos to Tumblr when I add #books. I want it to go to Facebook too, but I don't know that I can sent it to a page and not a profile. Oh well. My other recipe sends certain types of Wordpress posts to Tumblr as a photo post. I hope they incorporate Goodreads. That would be great. Hopefully G+ opens up their API so we don't have to jump through hoops to post there as well. Thanks for opening my eyes to this website. It's great!Lisa Collinshttp://www.blogger.com/profile/06474161902460280792noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-39142618861423391272013-09-22T14:43:11.391-07:002013-09-22T14:43:11.391-07:00Thanks so much for the challenge! I'd never he...Thanks so much for the challenge! I'd never heard of this site before, actually, but it sounds really useful. I created a recipe that will take every link I post to Twitter and repost it as a status update on Facebook.Tasha Brandstatterhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/09494625457587427781noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-39654821912035021892013-09-22T11:59:37.922-07:002013-09-22T11:59:37.922-07:00My first recipe (after much panic because OMG, THE...My first recipe (after much panic because OMG, THE CHOICES) was to tweet the link to every GLA review. Kelly schedules/posts those, so I can't use the automatic tweeting option. I'll have to keep playing. I can see how these would be really helpful for my business. :)<br /><br />Got distracted from this comment by creating my second recipe: getting texted whenever it snows. Niiiiice.Amanda @ On a Book Benderhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03975515860710635598noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-74028650327789468152013-09-22T08:38:26.064-07:002013-09-22T08:38:26.064-07:00I made a recipe so that my Instagram pics with a t...I made a recipe so that my Instagram pics with a tag of #books goes to my FB page instead of my personal profile. That is going to be a big help. I tweeted the IFTTT twitter account to see if they have any plans to connect to Goodreads or Pinterest. Even Amazon. It would be so great to be able to use this to cross-post, and even update my kindle.amazon profile. This could be very, very big! So, now that I've spent my entire blog time playing with this feature, I really need to buckle down or I am not going to get anything accomplished this weekend! Thanks Brianna!Tanya Davishttp://www.blogger.com/profile/02300504384754045553noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-41083805126047029112013-09-22T07:28:15.042-07:002013-09-22T07:28:15.042-07:00You've created some great recipes there!
You ...You've created some great recipes there!<br /><br />You could always suggest a Channel to IFTTT. I do it on Twitter ;)Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-37766704112855784332013-09-22T07:26:36.202-07:002013-09-22T07:26:36.202-07:00I love techy stuff like this :)I love techy stuff like this :)Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-58124413830627625232013-09-22T07:25:55.480-07:002013-09-22T07:25:55.480-07:00Did you enter the label on IFTT exactly how it app...Did you enter the label on IFTT exactly how it appears on your blog? That's the only thing I can think of. If it's exact, I'd shoot IFTTT an email (support [at] ifttt [dot] com). I hope you get it worked out.Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-58693330111501925242013-09-22T07:21:30.033-07:002013-09-22T07:21:30.033-07:00Great recipe!Great recipe!Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-91597813452790879392013-09-22T07:21:07.907-07:002013-09-22T07:21:07.907-07:00What Channels are you using for the <b>trigger</b>...What Channels are you using for the <b>trigger</b> and the <b>action</b>?<br /><br />IFTTT is really good about responding on Twitter but it is the weekend so it might not be until tomorrow when you get a response.Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-85269591334810052372013-09-22T07:18:38.611-07:002013-09-22T07:18:38.611-07:00You can't duplicate a recipe but you could use...You can't duplicate a recipe but you could use an already existing recipe created by another IFTTT member.Brianna (The Book Vixen)http://www.blogger.com/profile/08609905630959271042noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-69354834308682594972013-09-21T16:18:54.834-07:002013-09-21T16:18:54.834-07:00I created four new recipes, Blog Post to Facebook ...I created four new recipes, Blog Post to Facebook and Twitter, New Post in Feedly category Must Read email me, and IFTTT updates to email. I'm totally addicted and wish they would add Pinterest. Can't wait to see what else I can create! Thanks for the great challenge and tutorial.Dalene @ A Date with a Bookhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/01486857267957308386noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-14249962497252391662013-09-21T15:45:38.379-07:002013-09-21T15:45:38.379-07:00Never heard of it...but you are always my go-to pe...Never heard of it...but you are always my go-to person for the newest and best tech things!Kelli Nashhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04142633015127113671noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-67483272351980474822013-09-21T13:07:32.488-07:002013-09-21T13:07:32.488-07:00I checked out IFTTT which seems super useful for m...I checked out IFTTT which seems super useful for my work blog. I created an account and created a recipe which was supposed to post a link to a particular FB page when a blogger post from http://nhbookcenter.blogspot.com with a specific label (ladybug picture book award) was posted. I wrote the post and published it, but 25 minutes later there isn't a post on the FB page. Any idea where might I have gone wrong? Mary R.http://www.blogger.com/profile/12468537883595941188noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-7246195991923266072013-09-21T12:33:35.302-07:002013-09-21T12:33:35.302-07:00I created a recipe that every time a post with a g...I created a recipe that every time a post with a giveaway tag on my blog posts that a tweet will go out on my Twitter. Kind of excited to see how this works when one goes live. :) I will have to create some more recipes now.Kristenhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11089936646594784828noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2206298082780423356.post-65582846114851092812013-09-21T12:11:33.494-07:002013-09-21T12:11:33.494-07:00Is there a way to duplicate a recipe? So, I just c...Is there a way to duplicate a recipe? So, I just created a recipe for posting on facebook, and I want to do the same for twitter with the same trigger. Do I have to start from scratch or can I duplicate and edit the few details?Julie Shttp://www.blogger.com/profile/06462386948229063576noreply@blogger.com