Title: Once An Heiress
Series: Once A…, Book 2
Author: Elizabeth Boyce
Genre: Historical Romance
Sensuality Rating: Sensual
Source: review copy provided by publisher
Published: March 11, 2013 by Crimson Romance
Lily Bachman has the largest dowry the haut ton has seen in years. Her fortune is meant to secure her marriage to a titled gentleman, but instead it has sent every fortune hunter in London into a frenzy. Despite her father’s insistence that she choose a husband, Lily swears she won’t marry any of these “Leeches.” Instead, she focuses on her dreams of opening a charity school. She has everything well in hand – until a devilishly handsome rake sweeps her into a scandalous waltz.
Ethan Helling, Viscount Thorburn, never claimed to be a good man. A well-known rogue, he’s over his ears in gaming debts and is tempted by a friend’s demanding mistress. To continue indulging his appetites, he needs to marry a fortune. The lovely Miss Bachman just so happens to have one, and Ethan vows to win her dowry for himself.
When the seducer becomes the seduced, Lily and Ethan are forced into a hasty marriage. Now, to gain her fortune, Ethan must find a way to make his unwilling bride happy. As he fights to win her affection, Ethan finds himself falling in love with his spirited wife – despite her determination to keep her money, and her heart, out of his hands. With her dreams in ruins and her illusions shattered, can Lily afford to gamble on love?
Reviewed by: Babs
Why I Read This Book: I read Once a Duchess (my review), book 1 of the series, and have a hard time not finishing what I start—in this case, this series. I was also hoping for a better story.
In a Nutshell: This story did not work for me. I had a lot of issues with the hero and heroine.
What I Liked: Unfortunately I can’t think of anything I liked about this story.
What I Didn’t Like: I did not like Ethan the hero. I think he’s supposed to be the roguish rake that’s reformed by the love of a woman. But I definitely think he wasn’t reformed or redeemed by the end of the book. He had too many things to make up for like gambling, debt, not paying his staff, just wants money for a mistress and to keep his lifestyle.
I also had some issues with Lily. I had high hopes for her after she’s introduced in Once a Duchess. But I didn’t like that she played games with Ethan. Trying to trick him—saying to his face—you need to go but inside she’s thinking he should stay even though she’s been very clear she doesn’t want a close relationship. I didn’t like that kind of behavior. I also struggled with how she went to her father so quickly for her dowry and tried to justify Ethan’s horrible actions, “What a burden her husband carried.” He got in this situation because of his gambling!
Overall Impression: My issues with the hero and heroine overshadow anything I could have liked about this story. I don’t think the hero was redeemed by the end. He didn’t grovel or make amends nearly enough to make up for what he did. I also didn’t like that Lily was so quick to defend Ethan and didn’t make him do more to redeem himself.
Bab’s Rating:
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