Title: Energized
Series: Tidewater, Book 3
Author: Mary Behre
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Sensuality Rating: Sensual
Source: review copy provided by publisher
Published: August 4, 2015 by Berkley
She’s searching for a sign...
Hannah Halloran has always believed in her gift. The things she sees through her psychic touch have never led her wrong before. Not when they led her to an unforgettable night with a sexy marine at a bar. Not when she felt a need to leave her home and find the sisters she barely knows. And not now, when she is an unwilling witness to a brutal murder...He’s ready to show her...
All Niall Graham wants is some peace. He’s recovering from the horrors of war, struggling to save his family’s restaurant, and desperate to forget Hannah, the beautiful woman who left him with memories of a mind-blowing night together and a bogus phone number. But a quiet life is hard to manage—especially when Hannah strides back into his restaurant with the news that a serial killer is on the loose and lurking closer than anyone could have guessed...
Reviewed by: Lesley
Why I Read This Book: I’m drawn to books that add a touch of the paranormal. It can make a mystery plot or romance that much more interesting. Based on the synopsis, Energized sounded like just the kind of interesting I like.
What I Liked: Even though I hadn’t read the first two books in this series, I was still able to sink into this book. I liked that most of the characters have personalities, quirks, jobs, and lives that make them seem like people you might actually meet in real life. Pair that with an accessible setting and steady pacing and you get quite the fun read.
I found myself really liking Hannah. Despite all of the turmoil life has thrown her way, she still maintains a strong sense of self. She doesn’t let people walk all over her, and she isn’t afraid to stand her ground and hold her own. She proves to be a badass in her own right, even with her hippie-like appearance and optimistic view of destiny, fate, and the universe. She also carries her own supply of condoms, which I can respect.
I like that both Hannah and Niall are sorting through their own problems and struggles, not just their relationship with each other. It makes them more well-rounded characters and creates a more interesting read. Hannah has her long-lost sisters to reconnect with, her “crift" to sort through, and life in a new town to navigate. Niall has a life outside of the Marines to adjust to, a restaurant to run, and a brother to try to understand and connect with. The chemistry is definitely there and they complement each other nicely.
What I Didn’t Like: While I did enjoy most of the supporting characters in this book, some, like Sadie, felt over-done and unlikeable to an extent that pulled me out of an otherwise immersive world.
I also didn’t really like the way the mystery/murder plot line played out. It was fairly well done for what it was, but it still didn’t sit quite right with me.
Overall Impression: Energized is a fun intersection of paranormal romance and mystery. Even though I didn’t particularly care for the direction the mystery ended up taking, the buildup and the rest of the plot lines were enjoyable and well executed. With genuine characters and an atmosphere that is easy to settle into, this book was enjoyable and held my interest.
Lesley’s Rating:
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