Book Review: Bound with Honor by Megan Mulry

Bound with Honor by Megan MulryTitle: Bound with Honor
Author: Megan Mulry
Genre: Historical Romance, M/M Romance, F/F Romance
Sensuality Rating: Erotic
Source: review copy provided by publisher
Published: August 15, 2015 by Riptide Publishing

Lord Archibald Cambury, Marquess of Camburton, has never wanted for anything . . . except normalcy. Although he adores both of his loving mothers, and his vivacious twin sister with her two husbands, he wants a wife. One wife. Full stop. Is that so much to ask?

Miss Selina Ashby appears to be everything Archie has always wanted in a marchioness: demure, soft-spoken, and pretty, with a quick mind and delectable humor. Yes, she is a bit forward, but he chalks that up to youth. Yes, she has a very particular friend in Beatrix Farnsworth, but he chalks that up to loyalty. He is a lord; she is a lady; they are in love. And so they marry. That should be the end of it.

But when Archie discovers that his wife is as passionate with her particular friend Beatrix as he is with his particular friend Christopher, his world is shattered. He must decide if Selina’s love is big enough for both of them—and whether normalcy is truly more important than the love he feels for both the man and the woman who have become so dear to him.

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Reviewed by: J9

In a Nutshell: Good historical erotica but the stuffy male lead was a total buzz kill.

Why I Read This Book: A historical featuring a quad romance with same-sex partners? Suuuure…

What I Liked: I liked everyone but Archie. I especially liked Selina with her thirst for life and passion to live her life on her terms. Selina has an honest in both her feelings for Archie and Bea, and in her own physical desires. It’s especially rare in historical romance to have the heroine be the sexual aggressor and I liked this.

There isn’t a plot to this story other than how Archie and Selina (and their respective same-sex lovers) make it work. This tight focus worked for me as it offered plenty of scorching hot erotica with a tad bit of emotional intimacy along the way.

What I Didn’t Like: Archie was a total buzz kill! He was horrid to Selina through half the book, judging her harshly for her sexual agency and then in one conversation has an about face to embrace it. If his stuffy treatment of Selina wasn’t enough, he was a prick to Christopher too, using him as a sex toy to relieve his tension. I think the author knew this was happening so has one scene where Bea asks Selina straight up why she loves Archie. Selina’s two sentence answer was so not enough for me to like Archie, let alone understand why two emotionally and sexually generous people like Selina and Christopher would put up with puritanical Archie.

IMO: A fun enough sexual romp of a story if readers can look past stuck-in-the-mud Archie!

J9’s Rating:
3 Frogs

About J9: Vegan. Avid runner. Android addict. Never without a book in hand. Currently devouring MM romance but reads historial romance and paranormal romance as well. Follow J9 on Twitter.


  1. This kind of book sounds interesting just because of the coupling (grouping?) of partners (would it be polyamory?), but You make Archie sound so 'bleh' I wonder if I should just keep looking for another similar book with more enjoyable characters.

    1. Sorry, Hazel, to ruin it! I did enjoy the polyamorous relationships just not Archie! Maybe you'll feel differently and if so lmk!


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