Title: Ravish Her Completely
Author: Jenika Snow
Genre: Fantasy Romance, Time Travel Romance
Sensuality Rating: Erotic
Source: review copy provided by publisher
Published: April 7, 2015 by Evernight Publishing
When Agata wakes up in the middle of nowhere after drinking an herb concoction given to her by an old Norwegian woman, she is confused and just wants to get home. She doesn’t get time to think about her situation because a towering man with battle scars and wielding an ax takes her as his property. Although there is a language barrier between her and the barbarian, she understands the word he keeps calling her: wife.
When Stian Dagmar finds a woman alone and unconscious in the woods, the first thought he has is that he wants her as his wife. She will probably fight him, struggle for her freedom, but being with him is a lot safer than what his world will give her.
Can Agata accept her new life and the feelings for Stian that grow within her, or will she go home the first opportunity that arises?
Reviewed by: Sara
Why I Read This Book: To be completely honest, I love Vikings and Alpha male heroes. I also enjoy the whole "stranger in a strange land" genre. So, really, there was no way I wasn't going to read this book.
What I Liked: I really loved Agata and Stian. Jenika Snow does a fantastic job developing her characters, making them both multi-dimensional and natural. Agata has the natural reactions of a modern woman who finds herself in the past, "imprisoned" by a gorgeous hunk of barbarian man. She responds accordingly and doesn't turn stupid when she feels an attraction to Stian.
Stian, likewise, is a (gorgeous) man of his time and his position, and Jenika Snow deftly writes him as such.
What I Also Liked: I liked that Agata and Stian's story didn't get too bogged down in the magical details of how Agata got to Stian's time. Many books with great stories have lost me while they tried to explain how the magic happened. I understand that sometimes this is necessary, as the explanation may explain details of the story or character's development, but other times it can just get in the way. Jenika Snow doesn't do this. She simply let's the magic happen without preamble and, as a result, it's an organic part of the story.
What I Didn't Like: My only complaint was a sex scene in the epilogue that seemed kind of superfluous. It was like someone said to the author, "Hey, we're going to name this book Ravish Her Completely, but I don't feel like there's enough ravishing. Would you mind adding a scene with fairly explicit anal sex?" Then the author said, "Sure! I have the perfect spot in the epilogue just before a very heartfelt moment that might make the reader cry." It just didn't seem to flow and kind of pulled me right out of the book.
Overall Impression: Ravish Her Completely is a great novel with characters you will fall in love with, magic that doesn't need explaining and a well developed romance. If you like your men of the Viking variety and your women smart and brave, this might be the book for you.
Sara’s Rating:
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