Book Review: Necessary Restorations by Kate Canterbary

Necessary Restorations by Kate CanterbaryTitle: Necessary Restorations
Series: The Walshes, Book 3
Author: Kate Canterbary
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Sensuality Rating: Steamy
Source: review copy provided by author
Published: April 15, 2015 (self-published)

They liked to call me names. Manwhore. Slut. Player. But I make wrong look so right…

He's a flawed perfectionist…
I can read women better than any blueprint. I understand their thoughts and feelings, their secret desires and insecurities, and I know how to get rid of them once I get off. But all bets are off when Tiel Desai slams into my life. She redefines what it means to be friends, and she makes it sound like the filthiest thing I've ever heard. I can't read the gorgeous conservatory-trained violinist, but she's the only one keeping me from shattering by small degrees, and I can't let her go.

She's wildly independent…
My past—and New Jersey—are far behind me, and now my life is blissfully full of music: playing, teaching, and lecturing, and scouring Boston's underground scene with an annoyingly beautiful, troubled, tattooed architect. I'm defenseless against his rooftop kisses, our nearly naked dance parties, the snuggletimes that turn into sexytimes, and his deep, demanding voice. I have Sam Walsh stuck in my head like a song on repeat, and I'm happy pretending history won't catch up with me.

The one thing they have in common is a rock-solid disregard for the rules. They find more in each other than they ever realized they were missing, but they might have to fall apart before they can come together.

It's the wrongs that make the rights come to life.

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Reviewed by: Babs

Why I Read This Book: I’m totally into series that follow siblings and this is right up my alley. I glommed the first two books in the series over a couple days a few months ago and jumped on this one when I saw the review request come through.

In a Nutshell: I really liked this story. After reading the first two books in the series, I was really looking forward to learning more about Sam.

What I Liked: I’ve read the first and second books in the series and loved getting back to other members of the family. After reading the first two books, I was really interested in Sam’s story and happy ever after.

I thought Tiel was a very interesting character. On the one hand I thought she was very free spirited but then I also think she wanted to know what Sam’s intentions were pretty quickly—were they together or not, exclusive or not, and so on. For someone not into career commitment because of her own family issues, I thought it interesting she did want certainty in that area of her life where she maybe hadn’t before, or at least she did with Sam.

What I Also Liked: After the first two books in the series, I wanted to get more into Sam’s head. I liked getting his take on events from the first two books and learning more about why he reacted certain ways to some things in the previous books.

I also liked how both Sam and Tiel were lost souls who found each other by accident. Both had issues with their families but different issues. I appreciated what seems like the intervention of fate maybe to help these two people find each other in the story.

What I Didn’t Like: I had some issues with Sam. In book 1, his brother Matthew’s book, Matthew talks about how he has to clean up after Sam otherwise there’d be big problems with construction projects. But by Necessary Restorations, everything seems fine. Or Sam remains oblivious? I don’t remember resolution in book 2. I wish there’d been some mention of that in this book.

Also, I didn’t like Sam’s response towards the end when he and Tiel had a fight. Besides continuing to be self-destructive, I thought what he almost did was pretty terrible for all that he professed to be in love with Tiel.

Overall Impression: I thought Necessary Restorations was an engrossing read. Even though I had issues, I still got sucked into the story and couldn’t wait to find out how it worked out. I can’t wait for the next books in the series—Riley, Shannon, and Erin!

Bab’s Rating:
3 1/2 Frogs

About Brianna: Supermom by day, naughty reader by night. Addicted to chocolate, Twitter, her iPad, her Kindle, and 99¢ Kindle deals. You can follow Brianna on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Instagram.


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