Title: Damian’s Discipline
Series: Collars and Cuffs, Book 5
Author: K.C. Wells, Parker Williams
Genre: Contemporary Romance, M/M Romance
Sensuality Rating: Erotic
Source: review copy provided by publisher
Published: October 24, 2014 by Dreamspinner Press
The man who pimped Jeff may be in prison, but Jeff is still living the nightmare, selling himself to men and relying on pills to manage. Then he meets Scott, a young American man who could easily have been where Jeff is now. Scott’s friends extend a helping hand to Jeff, and he grabs it.
Leo and Thomas bring Jeff to stay with Dom Damian Barnett until they can find him someplace more long-term. Still grieving from losing his sub to cancer two years before, Damian agrees to help. But when he glimpses the extent of the damage, Damian wants to do more than offer his guestroom. Jeff is not a submissive, but Damian can see he desperately needs structure in his life. It’s up to Damian to find an answer.
He never expects that what he discovers will change both their lives.
Reviewed by: Crissy
In A Nutshell: This book is so good. It’s definitely not what I expected from a BDSM, which is a plus in my book. It’s a story of healing and finding one’s self after tragic loss. I really, really liked it.
The Setup: After his pimp is put in prison, Jeff finds himself alone and wandering. When he’s approached by another of Curtis’ victims, Jeff is shocked to find that the boy and his Dom lover want to help. Help comes in the form of Dom Damian Barnett. Jaded and still heartbroken over the loss of his former submissive and lover, Damian battles his own attraction to Jeff while trying to hold onto the scared boy threatening to slip away. With the willing away of their pasts comes possibilities unknown to both men, if they can follow the rules.
What I Liked: I liked most that this book was not your average BDSM. I guess it can be categorized as such, but the authors lean more towards the Domestic Discipline side of things—a more dominant personality and submissive personality, for sure, but not exactly a D/s relationship. It was interesting to see the intricacies of Jeff and Damian’s relationship in that aspect and very refreshing for this sub-genre.
What I Also Liked: Jeff. I’m a sucker for a stubborn rule-breaker, and Jeff is nothing if not both. He’s also so much more. He’s so fragile throughout most of this book. His story started with Scott’s in Someone To Keep Me by these authors so to finally read his story and watch his growth from frail and vulnerable to strong and independent, was a treat, but in all of it he never loses the bratty undertone that makes him Jeff. He’s quite charming.
The romance in this story is slower to develop, but after I learned both men’s pasts, I knew it would have ruined my outlook any other way. There is a lot of story and a lot of healing to get Jeff and Damian to a place of trust and love. It takes much distrust and denial before they reach that point. They break one another’s heart more than once, but in the end, it’s so rewarding.
What I Didn't Like: Whereas I enjoyed the domestic discipline portion of this story, I still had an issue with Damian's characterization. Was he simply confused as to who he was for years? Did he not know that he was only playing at being Dominant for Oliver? This change over from Dom to Head of Household is similar but not the same. It works for the story and for the guys, but there were times I found myself wondering if it's really what Damian wanted or if he was simply changing to be what Jeff needed the same way he molded himself to be what he thought Oliver needed.
In My Opinion: I loved this book. Damian and Jeff were meant to be and are so good together. The twist this story adds to the sub-genre is new and different and, in my opinion, refreshing and wonderful. I really liked this one.
Crissy’s Rating:

oooh, just one-clicked. This sounds like one I'd like, too. smiles...