Title: Bad Boys Do
Series: Donovan Brothers Brewery, Book 2
Author: Victoria Dahl
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Sensuality Rating: Steamy
Source: library
Published: September 27, 2011 by HQN Books
Reviewed By: BabsOlivia Bishop is no fun. That's what her ex-husband said. And that's what her smart bob and glasses imply. So with her trademark determination, Olivia sets out to remake her life. She's going to spend time with her girlfriends and not throw it all away for some man. But when an outing with her book club leads her to a brewery taproom, the dark-haired beauty realizes that trouble in the form of sexy Jamie Donovan may be too tempting to avoid.
Jamie Donovan doesn't mean to be bad. Sure, the wild streak in his wicked green eyes has lured the ladies before. Now it's time to grow up. He's even ready for a serious romance. But how can that be when Olivia, the only right woman he has ever met, already has him pegged as wrong?
Why I Read This Book: I read the first book in the trilogy (my review) and immediately started this one. I read the trilogy in one weekend.
In a Nutshell: I liked Jamie and Olivia’s story even better than Tessa and Luke’s (book 1).
The Set Up: Jamie is the Donovan family bad boy who wants to be taken seriously. Olivia is trying to get out more, make new friends and runs into Jamie.
What I Liked: I liked that Olivia was a little bit older. She’s 35 and Jamie is 29. She’s divorced and he has a reputation as a player.
I admired Jamie for trying to prove himself and show he was serious about the business. He keeps getting in his own way (for reasons). And his teacher fantasy with Olivia is cute.
I really liked Olivia. She’s been taking life a little too seriously and trying to take more chances. I like that she initially hesitated to go out with Jamie but quickly talked herself into going out with him.
What I Didn’t Like: Where was Wallace? I was crushed not to get more Wallace, the brewer, in this story.
At the beginning, Olivia was uncomfortable with the age difference between her and Jamie. But then the conflict turned more into their different personalities and their pasts—both the emotional baggage and the people from their pasts. I’m a little disappointed the age difference wasn’t fully addressed. I would have been happy with just a conversation between Jamie and Olivia talking through what it means for their future or acknowledging her concerns.
Overall Impression: I liked Bad Boys Do a lot. I think it’s a great progression of the trilogy and I look forward to the last book—Eric’s story!
Bab’s Rating:
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