Title: Neighboring Affairs
Author: Cheryl Dragon
Genre: Historical Romance, M/M Romance
Sensuality Rating: Erotic
Source: Review copy provided by publisher
Published: January 18, 2014 by Ellora’s Cave
Back in London and free from the navy, Lieutenant Myles Harris is now a wealthy man of property. His late father parted Myles from his lover, the Earl of Thistledown, George Hardwick. Years apart have hurt both men, but their feelings haven’t disappeared.
George believes he has put the past behind him and has no interest in seeing Myles again. However, the earl can’t turn away Myles’ little sister, the sweet girl he watched grow up next door, when she runs from her abusive husband. Hiding her in his London home, George must also have Myles as a guest under his roof. The duo must work together for their common good. Passion reignites and soon the men are breaking laws!
The options are few, but they’d much rather defy the law than deny their hearts and abandon their honor.
Reviewed By: J9
In a Nutshell: I really enjoyed this historical MM romance with a strong plot and good secondary characters.
The Set Up: Myles and George’s families live on neighboring estates but Myles’ father forced him into the Navy to split the young lovers up. Now Myles’ father is dead and he’s free of the Navy and wants to reclaim his first love. George is hurt at what he perceives as Myles’ abandonment but he can’t ignore the passion between them. When Myles’ sister runs to George after a horrible beating by her cruel husband, Myles and George must put aside their differences for the sake of their families and their love for each other.
Why I Read this Book: I love historical MM romance and read it every time I see it.
What I Liked: I really liked Myles and George’s characters as well as their romance. They both reminisce about their youthful romance so I felt like I was there for the beginning and their subsequent heartbreak. George is an earl by birth so he’s got an air of authority about him but it’s so well balanced by his frustration that the one relationship he longs for, that with Myles, he can’t have. George’s honor and long-lasting love for Myles offer great emotional drama and tension. Myles easier acceptance of making a relationship work between the men is a great counter-balance to George’s more angsty feelings. Their relationship is the mix of emotional and sexual intimacy that I look for in my MM romance and think other readers will like it too. I have to also mention the lovely and accepting conversations Myles and George have about their pasts and previous sexual partners; they struck the perfect balance between realism and enduring love.
What I Also Liked: I also liked the plot and secondary characters here. Myles sister was forced to marry a cruel older man when Myles was trapped in the Navy and now she’s been horribly abused. The plot revolves around how George and Myles rescue Myles’ sister from her husband who has the legal right to beat his wife. How this unfolds is a great backbone for the men’s romance and doesn’t detract but adds to the romance.
Myles’ sister and George’s brother are in love and have been since childhood so they have a secondary romance that is well done in my opinion, especially the heartwarming epilogue. I also really liked how George and Myles’ siblings are so close to the men and how they build a life together with the four of them.
What I Didn’t Like: Myles’ father manipulates both George and Myles into not contacting each other when Myles is exiled into the Navy. This leads to the big misunderstanding trope that is a requisite in historical romance. They have a few abortive conversations to explain their sides of the story but events prevent it. I was nearly at the point of being irritated and wanting the men to just talk to each other but then they did. So for me the big misunderstanding went to my irritant line but didn’t cross it so I was okay with it.
IMO: I highly recommend Neighboring Affairs for historical MM fans who like a sexy and emotional romance in a well written plot.
J9’s Rating:
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