Thursday Thirteen: Things I’ve Learned About Twitter

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen is a weekly meme with a simple theme: each Thursday you blog a list of 13 things. What kind of things? Any kind! Just come up with a list theme and run with it.


Brianna’s List:

  1. When you add someone to a list, they can see it which list they’ve been added to. Even if your list is private. Keep this in mind when you name your lists.
  2. Echofon is the best free iOS Twitter app. When I RT, it doesn’t use quotes. I can mute hashtags. It has a beautiful interface. I could go on. Did I mention it’s free?
  3. Even if you delete a tweet, it will remain on the internet forever.
  4. Triberr is a great way to expand your audience but use it wisely so as not to come off as spammy to your followers.
  5. HootSuite is great for scheduling tweets.
  6. Twitter Advanced Search can help you find a tweet you’re looking for (even old ones).
  7. Twitter and Pocket go together like PB&J.
  8. Twitter and IFTTT go together quite nicely as well. (I have an IFTTT tutorial coming up tonight for this round of Bloggiesta Mini-Challenges.)
  9. Twitter Analytics is a great way to see which of your tweets get the most action.
  10. “Saved Searches” makes it a lot easier to find and check out stuff you want to stay on top of, like: #Bloggiesta, #boutofbooks, #bloggingtips, #bbtc, and whatever other hashtags you like to follow.
  11. Twitter is a great place to get the news. As bad as that might sound, it’s true. A lot of breaking news stories appear on Twitter and usually spread like wildfire.
  12. Ain’t no party like a Twitter chat party!
  13. Never underestimate the power of the retweet.


J9’s List:

  1. I don't have to auto follow back.
  2. I like following authors who combine promo posts with normal interaction.
  3. Most authors don't do the above.
  4. Be careful of picture links!
  5. Twitter wars are fun to read but not be involved in.
  6. .@twitterhandle allows everyone to see the tweet (thanks Brianna!).
  7. No guilt for unfollowing people if they clutter my stream with uninteresting promo tweets.
  8. Companies really do read what you tweet.
  9. Pocket is the best for saving tweets with links to read later.
  10. Most bloggers cross post on social media so I only need to follow them on one platform (e.g. tumblr or twitter, since the content is rarely unique).
  11. I get to 140 characters very quickly.
  12. I only want to tweet about running, food and books, in that order.
  13. Brianna is the Twitter goddess if I have questions.

What have you learned about Twitter?

About Brianna: Supermom by day, naughty reader by night. Addicted to chocolate, Twitter, her iPad, her Kindle, and 99¢ Kindle deals. You can follow Brianna on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Instagram.


  1. Ditto on Twitter being a great place to get the news. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked, "Have you heard...?" and my answer has been, "Yeah, I saw it on Twitter."

    I've learned that I don't need to surround myself with people who drive me crazy. The unfollow button is there for a reason. I'm with J9--no guilt!

  2. Thanks. That was informative. Always good to get more insight into Twitter because it can be very complex. I think overall Facebook is much more user-friendly.

  3. I find out almost everything from Twitter first - then turn on the news. I'm not sure if that's sad or not lol

    I love when both authors and bloggers have a nice mix of personal, bookish and promotional tweets. I do like to know about new releases and book deals but I also want to interact, not just told things.

    Great tips.

  4. Yep, absolutely my first news is from twitter and then expand out. Bri's list is way more grown up than mine. LOL, I'm just a twitter user but Bri is like a twitter goddess! Seriously folks, if you have twitter questions, just ask her--she's generous and always shares the scoop!
