Bloggiesta 2013: Finish Line

Bloggiesta Finish Line

Bloggiesta has come to an end. Here is my entire Bloggiesta to-do list; items that I complete are crossed off and items that I didn’t get to are highlighted:

Bloggiesta Related:

  1. Check out the new mini-challenges.
  2. Check out other participants’ starting line post and cheer people on.
  3. Find new-to-me blogs.
  4. Comment.
  5. Participate in at least one Twitter chat.


Routine Blog Maintenance:

  1. Back up blogs and import to WP.
  2. Cross post my reviews to Goodreads and NetGalley.
  3. Cross post all reviews to Pinterest.
  4. Go through all Pages and update as need be.
  5. Update reading challenge page.
  6. Update Reviews by Author index.
  7. Update Reviews by Title index.
  8. Clean out sidebar.
  9. Update recent review section.
  10. Update current giveaways section.
  11. Catch up on writing my reviews.
  12. Schedule J9’s reviews.


Get Ahead:

  1. Format upcoming reviews.
  2. Format and schedule future Thursday Thirteen posts. I have formatted nine Thursday Thirteen posts, and have J9’s responses, but I still need to come up with my responses.
  3. Format month in review post for September.
  4. Format next My Bookish Wants & Gots post.
  5. Write up sign-up posts for all 2014 reading challenges I am hosting. Got started on this.
  6. Decide on whether or not I will do a review link up post for all 2014 reading challenges I am hosting. Might create a Facebook group for each reading challenge or just have the sign-up post.


Try Something New:

  1. Try out rotating ads. Did it! Love it.
  2. Try making a 3D book cover with GIMP. Ran out of time. Will try this some other time.
  3. Try out a different sharing widget/code. Decided not to do this.
  4. Try out a different related posts widget/code. Dropped Link Within and decided to go with nRelate. Best decision ever!
  5. Try out a password protected page. Did it! I don’t currently have a use for this, but it’s good to know how to do it.



  1. Check for broken links. I started checking for broken links and there were just too many. I’m going to forget I even thought about fixing broken links.
  2. Create new business cards.
  3. Import Goodreads to LibraryThing.
  4. Update old reviews with current format. Sadly, I didn’t get to this.
  5. Customize email subscription confirmation email.
  6. Update tabs on Facebook page. I’m going to leave it alone for now. It’s a tedious process.
  7. Update navigation drop down menu to indicate that there’s another menu to see. I’m actually going to rearrange a few things in the navigation menu.
  8. Apply for Twitter cards.


If you were unable to participate in this round of Bloggiesta, or if you still have some blog tidying up to do, check out this post for links to all of the Bloggiesta mini-challenges, past and present, which are great to do year-round.


How did you do with Bloggiesta? Leave me a link to your Finish Line post and I’ll check to see how you did.

About Brianna: Supermom by day, naughty reader by night. Addicted to chocolate, Twitter, her iPad, her Kindle, and 99¢ Kindle deals. You can follow Brianna on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Instagram.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I didn't get to the stuff that needed to be done, but hey, progress is progress. LOL

  2. Wow you did amazing! I don't feel so accomplished any more... but I did have a rather busy weekend and my goals were a lot smaller. You go girl!

    1. I just saw your finish line post - You did great too! I had a bunch of small stuff on my list; didn't get to the big stuff. I hope to get some of what I missed done this week.

  3. You got so much done! You're like a Bloggiesta pro or something :) Great job!

    1. I wouldn't call myself a pro but I do love me Bloggiesta :D

  4. You got loads done! Congratulations!

  5. Wow you really put a dent in your list, and your list was long to begin with. Congratulations!
