Title: Home Work
Series: Life Lessons, Book 3
Author: Kaje Harper
Genre: Romantic Suspense, M/M Romance
Sensuality Rating: Erotic
Source: review copy from publisher
Published: October 5, 2012 by MLR Press
Mac and Tony thought the hard part was over. They’re together openly as a couple, sharing a home and building a life with their two children. It’s what they dreamed of. But daughter Anna struggles with the changes, Ben is haunted by old secrets, Mac’s job in Homicide still demands too much of his time, and Tony is caught in the middle. It’s going to take everything these men can give to create a viable balance between home and work. Especially when the outside world seems determined to throw obstacles in their way.
Reviewed By: J9
In a Nutshell: Continued to love Mac and Tony’s romance but could have done without the contrived cliffhanger ending. This review is going to be very vague as I can’t say what I liked or didn’t like without spoiling both elements in the book, please forgive this!
The Set Up: Mac, Tony, and their two kids are starting to settle into life as a family but the children’s troubled pasts and Mac’s job as a dedicated cop is making it difficult. Mac’s latest case will change this burgeoning family’s course forever.
Why I Read this Book: Mac and Tony are one of my favorite new MM couples and I’m going to keep reading this series.
What I Liked: Mac and Tony decide to solidify their small family here and I loved it. I don’t want to spoil it but I have to admit to getting a tad teary-eyed about mid-way through this book. Their emotional connection continues to deepen in this book and as a romance reader this is exactly why I read the genre. Their sexual relationship continues strong but I love how it’s tempered with the realism of raising young kids. I giggled at the new lock on Mac and Tony’s door as I can totally relate!
What I Also Liked: This book includes more of Mac and Tony’s family and friends and I loved that. Mac lived a very isolated life before Tony as he kept his sexual orientation from his fellow cops so to see him slowly develop meaningful friendships as a gay man was heartwarming. Tony’s friends continue to be wonderful but the addition of his family makes this novel shine. Mac and Tony’s children aren’t plot moppets but real kids who are simultaneously loving, charming and selfish and bratty. The true joy of this book and the series is how three-dimensional all the characters are, Mac and Tony included.
What I Didn’t Like: I can’t really say what I didn’t like except that it has potential to change Mac and Tony’s family forever. This thing-that-shall-remain-nameless closes this book on a big cliffhanger and I dislike this as it feels manipulative to keep readers invested in the series. I feel that Mac and Tony’s romance as well as all the mystery plots, are so well written that they’ll keep me reading the series; I don’t need a cheap trick of a cliffhanger to make me read the next book. Having said that, I can’t wait for the next book in the series!
IMO: The lovely romance continues strong in this book and plucked my heartstrings often but the cliffhanger ending seemed forced and irritated me a bit.
J9’s Rating:

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