Title: Savage Sanctuary
Author: Jacqueline Barbary
Genre: Paranormal Romance, M/M Romance
Sensuality Rating: Erotic
Source: review copy from publisher
Published: June 2010 by Carina Press
Sexy bad boy shapeshifter Michael O'Dare grew up on the streets. When government soldiers finally captured and imprisoned him, he became a lab rat and a collared slave, never again allowed to be human. His escape allowed him to return to human form and head for freedom in the Western Territories.Robert Hamilton-Scott had lived by the code "You're careful, or you're caught" for too long to take chances now. The one risk he takes in his carefully controlled life is offering temporary shelter to shifters on the run like Michael.
Robert knows it's definitely not safe to want the sexy renegade he's giving sanctuary to—passion is dangerous for a shapeshifter. As the soldiers close in he must choose between the careful life he's built or life on the run with the man who has captured his heart.
Reviewed By: J9
In a Nutshell: Very quick read with excellent world building and a decent enough romance that I’d love to see as a series.
The Set Up: Robert is part of an underground railroad to help shifters escape captivity by scientists. His latest charge is sexy bad boy shifter, Michael O’Dare who grew up on the streets never knowing love and having just escaped from a year’s torture. Robert’s safe world is crumbling around him but with Michael at his side he just doesn’t care.
Why I Read this Book: Um…I should say something about the great synopsis or good author but in reality, DID YOU SEE THAT COVER!?
What I Liked: The best part of this short novella is the world. In this world shifters don’t have one animal they turn into but instead use their soul or life essence to become any animal of their choosing. I really liked this twist on shifter-lore and loved seeing it in action when soldiers come for Michael. Also, there is enough history on how these people came into existence to capture any sci-fi fan’s attention as it did mine. I would love to have more stories set in this world.
The romance happens at lightning speed which is to be expected from a short novella but I thought it flowed well and had some decent tension. This is more an erotic romance than an emotional one but still had enough emotional intimacy to make it a good read.
What I Didn’t Like: I’d like to revisit this world but I don’t think this is part of a series. I’m bummed by this.
IMO: Good way to spend an hour reading if you like erotic MM romance set in an excellent paranormal world.
J9’s Rating:

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