Updated November 15, 2011
I am not accepting review requests at this time.
If you are interested in doing a guest post and/or a giveaway, please contact me.
My Reviews – What to Expect
I consider myself a Book Blogger; I am not a professional reviewer. This blog is a hobby of mine and I try to keep it fun, for myself as well as for my readers. I do not write a critical analysis of the books I read, rather, I share my honest thoughts, feelings and opinions of them.
My reviews include the book cover, synopsis (taken from Goodreads, Amazon or the publisher’s site), some book details (genre, name of series) and publication details. I also cross-post my reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and LibraryThing. I also include purchase links to Amazon and/or The Book Depository, both of which I am an affiliate.
On occasion, books received for review may be read and reviewed here on The Book Vixen blog by a guest blogger.
What I accept
The Book Vixen will accept books for review, author interviews, author guest posts and contest/giveaways in the following genres:
► Contemporary Romance
► Paranormal Romance (adult)
► Urban Fantasy (bonus if it has a romantic element)
► Romantic Suspense
► YA (coming of age, dystopian)
I accept eARCs, galleys, finished copies (paperback or hardcover) and eBooks (.prc, mobi or PDF formats preferred), though I prefer eBooks.
I will consider and respond to all requests, however I may not accept all requests. I am very selective in my choices; I tend to pick books that I think I will enjoy reading. While I try to only accept books for review that I think I will enjoy, I cannot and will not guarantee a positive review. My reviews are my honest assessment of the book which is in no way affected by the source of the book.
I will NEVER copy, forward, share, distribute, trade, or in any way infringe on an author’s copyright regarding an eBook I have received.
I will NEVER sell ARCs.
If I have read a book and give it a rating less than 3 Frogs, I reserve the right to decline any promotional posts related to said book (i.e. author interview/guest post, giveaways, etc.).
Rating System

The Book Vixen uses a 5 Frog Rating System:
5 Frogs – It was AMAZING! Get this book now!
4 Frogs – I really liked it. Put it on your TBR list.
3 Frogs – I liked it.
2 Frogs – It was okay. Get it from the library.
1Frog – I didn’t like it. It wasn’t for me.
DNF – Did Not Finish and I’ll tell you why
FTC Disclosure
Please assume all books reviewed here at The Book Vixen are provided by the publisher, publicist or author unless otherwise noted. Each review will include the source of the book as one of the following:
♦ Review Copy – Book was provided to me by a publisher,
publicist or author for my honest assessment and opinion.
♦ NetGalley – I requested a review copy (e-ARC) from the
♦ Personal Shelf – Book was purchased by myself, received
via swap (either from Paperback Swap or Goodreads Swap),
or from a friend.
♦ Library – I got the book from the library.
♦ Borrowed – Book was borrowed from a friend.
I do not accept/receive monetary compensation for my reviews.
Affiliate Disclosure
Amazon Affiliate links and The Book Depository Affiliate links are used on this site. A small percentage of commission is received for purchases using these links. Commission earned will help maintain the site (domain name, blog design, postage, giveaways, etc.).
To find out more The Book Vixen herself, check out my About Me page. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
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