Some of you saw my tweets on Thursday night and know about the fire that was close to my house. The fire started on Thursday afternoon and has burned through almost 1400 acres. At the moment, it’s 62% contained.
It was so close to our house, we could see the flames from our backyard. We were not ordered to evacuate but we didn’t want to take any chances. We packed up the essentials and loaded up both of our vehicles. We spent Thursday night at our house but stayed with family the next night.
We came back home today and I can’t even tell that the fire is still burning! I can’t see any flames, though the city does smell like there’s a massive BBQ going on. But the good thing is our house is fine and we are home! And now we have lots of unpacking to do O_o
Being lover of books, some of you may be wondering if I packed up any books and the short answer is yes, I did. Did I pack all of them? No. Simply put, there just wasn’t enough room for all of them. Sad, I know. And even sadder – the books were packed last. Priorities people! You should have seen the look on my hubby’s face when I started packing the books. Priceless.
I packed about 90% of my books. Here’s what was left on my shelves (aka: fire fuel):
The bookcase on the left housed books I have read. I started grabbing everything I couldn’t part with: my Nicholas Sparks collection, the Sookie Stackhouse series, the BDB series, the Night Huntress series, my hardcover box set of the Twilight Saga, my *signed* copy of Twilight and everything else that was signed (including all the books that I just got signed by Maggie Stiefvater). [Looking at this picture now, I can’t believe I left behind Thirteen Reasons Why! I loved that book.]
Then I went back to my bookcase that holds my TBR stash (the bookcase on the right) and grabbed some more books. It was very hard choosing what to take and what had to stay. My heart ached! If you must, you can click on the pictures of the bookcases to see what was left behind *cringe* - but only if you must.
Now that the fire’s under control we have the pleasure (NOT!) of unpacking. I guess this gives me the opportunity to re-organize my bookcases. I only have my “read” books with me (the rest of my books are in the truck that my hubby’s driving and he’s at work right now) so I started there. And I must say, my bookcase looks much better than before!

Now it’s my turn to put YOU in the hot seat. There’s a huge fire and a mandatory evacuation has just been ordered. You’ve grabbed the essentials (people, pets, papers, photos and prescriptions - Dude! That could totally be a evacuation campaign - “Grab the 5 P’s” – I’m a genius I tell you!) and now you have 5 minutes left to grab books. To give you a bit of perspective, 5 minutes may seem like plenty of time but when you’re racing against the clock with a fire spreading like crazy it goes by in a flash.
What books are you grabbing to save from being turned to ash?