On My Wishlist (45)

On My Wishlist

On My Wishlist is a fun weekly event hosted by Book Chick City and runs every Saturday. It's where I list all the books I desperately want but haven't actually bought yet. They can be old, new or forthcoming. If you want to know more click here.

I Am Number Four (Lorien Legacies, #1) by Pittacus Lore

Nine of us came here. We look like you. We talk like you. We live among you. But we are not you. We can do things you dream of doing. We have powers you dream of having. We are stronger and faster than anything you have ever seen. We are the superheroes you worship in movies and comic books—but we are real.

Our plan was to grow, and train, and become strong, and become one, and fight them. But they found us and started hunting us first. Now all of us are running. Spending our lives in shadows, in places where no one would look, blending in. we have lived among you without you knowing.

But they know.

They caught Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
They killed them all.

I am Number Four.

I am next.

I don’t normally read Science Fiction but the title intrigued me and the premise sounds very interesting. I’m waiting for my library to get it so I can give it a go.

You by Charles Benoit

This wasn't the way it was supposed to go.

You're just a typical fifteen-year-old sophomore, an average guy named Kyle Chase. This can't be happening to you. But then, how do you explain all the blood? How do you explain how you got here in the first place?

There had to have been signs, had to have been some clues it was coming. Did you miss them, or ignore them?

Maybe if you can figure out where it all went wrong, you can still make it right. Or is it already too late?

Think fast, Kyle. Time's running out. How did this happen?

In his stunning young-adult debut, Charles Benoit mixes riveting tension with an insightful—and unsettling—portrait of an ordinary teen in a tale that is taut, powerful, and shattering.

Another book that caught me by its cover. The blurb is very mysterious; makes me want to know what happened and what Kyle’s going to do about it.

The Miles Between by Mary E. Pearson

Destiny Faraday makes a point of keeping her distance from her classmates at Hedgebrook Academy. Her number-one rule: Don’t get attached. But one day, unexpectedly finding a car at their disposal, Destiny and three of her classmates embark on an unauthorized road trip.

They’re searching for one fair day—a day where the good guy wins and everything adds up to something just and right. Their destination: Langdon, a town that Destiny’s unsuspecting companions hope will hold simply a day of fun. But, as Destiny says, “Things are not always what they seem.” Only she knows that Langdon holds far more than that—a deep secret she has never shared with anyone.

The Miles Between explores the wonder and magic of a very real world where chance, mystery, and secrets abound.

Sounds like a whimsical, fun read. I like reading a book about chance.

Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin

Avery Hood is reeling from the loss of her parents--and the fact that she can't remember what happened to them even though she was there.

She's struggling to adjust to life without them, and to living with her grandmother, when she meets Ben, who isn't like any guy she's ever met before.

It turns out there's a reason why, and Ben's secret may hold the key to Avery finding out what happened to her parents...

But what if that secret changes everything she knows about--and feels for--Ben?

I’ve seen this book all over the internet and it’s been getting good reviews. I love reading about secrets. Sounds like there could be some tension in this read too.

What’s on your wishlist?

About Brianna: Supermom by day, naughty reader by night. Addicted to chocolate, Twitter, her iPad, her Kindle, and 99¢ Kindle deals. You can follow Brianna on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Instagram.


  1. I have to admit the only one I have heard of is Low Red Moon but hope you get all your picks Brianna!

    My Wish List is for an E-book which unless I get a Kindle to read will have to wait until it comes out in MMPB!

    jackie ^_^

  2. I hope you get your books. Here's what I'm wishing for this week.

  3. I like the sound of low red moon - hope you get your books!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I really want I Am Number Four as well. You can see my wishlist here.

    Don't forget you can link your banned book reviews on this weeks Read My Review

  6. Ivy Devlin's Low Red Moon is one on my wishlist. Its surprisingly amazing how popular and how many people want I am Number 4 , I couldnt get into no matter how hard I tried, maybe it plays a huge part that Im not really an Alien Sci-Fi type of Girl. I think those who loved the TV Series Roswell will enjoy it.

  7. I'm on the fence about Low Red Moon. Looking forward to your review of it! :)

  8. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Your list is excellent, I can't wait to read 'i am number 4' myself!

  9. I love reading about secrets too...that is also why I want to read Low Red Moon. I would advise waiting for your library to get I am Number Four...I bought it and was disappointed. :(

  10. I read The Miles Between not to long ago and it was wonderful I hope you get to read it soon. :]

  11. Another award coming your way. :)


  12. Oohh... I Am Number Four sounds great... Can't wait to read your review! I may have to pick it up.
