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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Harry Potter Extravaganza

harrypotter Welcome to the next stop on the Harry Potter Extravaganza tour! The tour is hosted by Monica at Bibliophilic Book Blog. For my part of the tour, I’m going to tell you how Harry came to be a part of my life.

I have not always been a reader. I would read one, maybe two, books a year. Nothing really grabbed my attention, until Harry Potter came into my life.

The year was 2002 and I was 22 years old. A customer came into the place I worked; a lady in her 40s and in the clutches of her arms was a Harry Potter novel. Yeah, I had heard of the series and seen the books around. But I wanted to know why everybody was reading this book, including grown-ups. After all, isn’t Harry Potter a children’s book? But these books are so thick. Do kids and teenagers read thick books? I sure didn’t; at least not then.

So I asked her. I asked her what the big deal was about these books. She simply said “You just have to read it. Then you will understand.” She peaked my curiosity enough to get me to try it. I was going to get the first book and find out for myself what all the fuss was about.

I was hooked by the first book. The details were incredible and the elaborate world-building was fascinating. I really had nothing to compare it to since I really hadn’t read anything like it before but I knew this was going to take over my world until I read every last book in the series.

When I first started reading the series, books 1-4 had been released. I had to wait, just like the rest of the muggles and die hard fans for books 5, 6 and 7. I didn’t go to any of the midnight release parties so I made sure I pre-order my copy so that I would get it shortly after release date.

It was a sad, sad day when I finished reading book 7; the journey had come to an end. Yes, I got closure and yes, it ended well but I just wasn’t ready to let go of Harry, his friends and their world.

I cried.

Harry Potter and his world had been a part of my life for the last 5 years.  This series launched me into the world of reading for enjoyment. Never has a character, book or author captivated my attention like Harry and J.K. Rowling. This series did what no other book did - it got me to read for fun.

J.K. Rowling is a fascinating woman. To think a divorced, single mother started out writing this series on napkins; and look at where she is now, all that she has done. She has changed the world of reading. When I heard she was going to be on the Oprah show, I knew I had to watch. I wore my kids out to make sure they were napping by the time the show started and I was glued to the TV for an hour.

I am currently trying to get books 1-5 in hardcover. I have books 6 and 7 in hardcover on my bookshelf. I no longer have the first 5 books because I foolishly sold them at a yard sale. Looking back, I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I figured since I had read them that I was done with them. I wasn’t going to re-read them so I had thought better to give them to someone else who would enjoy them as much as I did. Now I regret that decision and I’m working on getting those hardcovers. I would like to re-read them one day. I would also like to read them with my children to share this experience, this magical world, with them and eventually pass the series along to them.

And there you have it; that’s my Harry Potter story. What about you - have you read this series? What was most memorable for you? How has this series affected you?

12 People had something to say:

  1. SarahOct 24, 2010 11:18 AM
    I have read this series so many times!! I was working at a daycare center when we checked the first book out for me to read to my school age children. I started reading it to them and that night I headed to wal-mart after work and bought the first two....they changed me!! I have attended Harry Potter parties where we played games and drank butterbeer until the new book was released @ midnight! I just love Harry Potter!
  2. The Book VixenOct 24, 2010 11:28 AM
    Sarah - that is so awesome! I wish I would have gone to at least one midnight release party.
  3. JennieOct 24, 2010 05:30 PM
    HP is amazing! I did go to the last two midnight release party's...it was a great fun time!
  4. TheBookFetishOct 24, 2010 05:32 PM
    I've adored the HP series since 1998. I got my first three books from some friends in the UK. So my copies (Yes, I have two complete sets, more on that later) start with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, as it was originally titled.

    I fell in love with the books immediately and read the first three back to back to back. Then, like all muggles, I had to wait for the subsequent books. I didn't do midnight release parties, but I did secure delivery on the launch date. The UPS and Fed Ex drivers commented that they never saw so many people excited for deliveries as they did on Harry Potter launch days.

    I found out that in the UK, they released all the books with more "grown up" covers, and I find a great deal on the set at amazon.co.uk. So I have two complete sets of the books. My children's set is a hardcover UK-American combo, and the full UK set in the hardcover, grown up versions.

    I love the world, I love the message, I love the themes. I am re-reading Deathly Hallows right now to prep for the film. I credit this series with opening my mind to other fantasy books that I've enjoyed over the years.

    Obviously, I could gush longer, but I won't.
  5. Twimom227Oct 24, 2010 07:48 PM
    I picked up the first book when it came out in paperback - back in the late 90's. And was instantly in love. It took me back to a time when I LOVE reading... when I got so involved in the world that I couldn't put down the book and I honestly wanted to live in the world created by the author. This series is fabulous - each book better after multiple reads... It is so wonderful. Hmm... think I'd better schedule some time to re-read the series, again, for the 6th (?) time!
  6. Sheila (Bookjourney)Oct 24, 2010 08:23 PM
    I dont know how I missed out on this tour.... I must have seen something shiny and just lost touch or something!

    This is fantastic and I love the Harry Potter books, not only for what they did for my two sons and their reading but for myself as well. :)
  7. JamieOct 25, 2010 02:22 AM
    I haven't read this series yet but I do have the first book on my bookshelf waiting to be read.
  8. ScootOct 25, 2010 07:44 AM
    I have read the series and I absolutely love it. I am a huge fan. I started the books as a teenager not long after the first book came out and was hooked ever since. Even as an 'adult' (a relative term, haha) I am a rabid fan. I even go as far as having a HP robe/tie to wear to the midnight showings of the movies. Uber nerd, I know. haha. Thanks for sharing your story!
  9. I read HP last year at the urging of a friend whose opinions I respect. He kept telling me how much I'd like the books and I really didn't think I would but I started them to get him off my case about it! I wasn't in love with the series until book three, but boy, I loved those books. The world-building was superb! I was so happy to read them all in a row, and I didn't have to wait to find out how the story ended.

    BTW, I did the same thing w/my Twilight books the first time I read them. Hubby convinced me to sell them on eBay, saying, you won't read those again. Then I caught the fever again and had to buy the hardcover box set---twice: one to loan and one to keep...
  10. KarenOct 25, 2010 01:46 PM
    Of course I've read Harry Potter! It's so great. I read it my middle school period of time, and into my high school years.. I remember seeing them on sale in Taiwan on a trip..I love this series, and it's been a big part of my reading life I guess, oh and I got a Death Eater action figure thing! (:

  11. hnwhitlock2000Oct 25, 2010 06:14 PM
    I remember when Harry Potter first came out and I wouldn't read it; as I thought it was demonic...That was what I had been told. However, once the movies began coming out, I watched the first and then started reading the books. I see nothing wrong with them and have enjoyed each. I've even argued with my Aunt, who is a Pastor's wife, about the fact that there is nothing wrong with the series. I've even told her they are no different than Disney movies or cartoons.....but I just get that the Youth Pastor did research. Isn't it amazing how much you can say about something if you want to? Yet, you don't want to find out the actual truth?
  12. The Book VixenOct 25, 2010 06:47 PM
    TheBookFetish - I am so jealous! That is absolutely fabulous that you have 2 complete sets! And I bet those deliver drivers saw lots of anxious fans waiting for their books.

    Twimom227 I wanted to live at Hogwarts too :)

    Sheila I agree; I think the HP series opened up the world of reading for many minds. And that's part of the reason it's so great.

    Jamie - How exciting! A newbie muggle :) Have you seen the movies at all?

    Scoot - I'd love to see you in your robe and tie :) I had a HP scarf....I wonder where it's at..?

    Kelli - You're right, the world building is absolutely amazing! I often wondered how did Rowling come up with all this stuff?

    With the Twilight series, I had gotten book 1 from the library, bought book 2 in paperback and ended up borrowing book 3 and 4 from a friend b/c no one had them in stock near me. After I read the series, I wanted a complete set (I knew I was going to want to re-read it at some point) and my mom graciously got me a hardcover set as a gift. I gave away my paperback copy of New Moon to a friend. Then I got *gasp* a signed copy of Twilight :)

Thanks for stopping by! I love chatting so let's talk it up!

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