Hell has finally frozen over. After nine long years, Breanna Parker has come home to be her sister's maid of honor. Just her luck that the first person she runs into is her ex-fiance, Troy Youngwolf—the man who eloped with her ex-best friend and broke her heart. Now a widowed father and sheriff of their Florida home town, sexy bad boy Troy wants another chance and won't take no for an answer. However, every time Breanna looks at Troy or his little girl, her heart breaks anew. She can hardly wait for her sister to get hitched so she can escape back to her urban family in Ft. Lauderdale. The risk is too high that Troy may discover her most closely held secret, one with the potential to destroy them both…perhaps this time forever.
Title: Always a Bridesmaid
Author: Elaine Hopper
Format: eBook
Genre: romance
Source: review copy
Published: March 2010
Buy the book: The Wild Rose Press | Kindle
My Thoughts
I had not heard of Always a Bridesmaid until the author asked me if I would like to read it. I read the blurb and needless to say it caught my attention. Always a Bridesmaid is full of chemistry, sexual tension with a tinge of mystery/secrecy. Before reading the book, the title had me thinking it was going to be a bit like the movie 27 dresses; except now I know Always a Bridesmaid runs deeper than that. There is also a bit of paranormal element in the storyline but it’s not the main focus (which is why I didn’t categorize this book as “paranormal”).
The book starts off with a heated encounter between Breanna and Troy. The reader can feel the tension in the atmosphere right off the bat. It’s obvious that Breanna has a grudge against Troy but we don’t yet know why. The chemistry between Breanna and Troy is hot! I could feel the tension and emotions right through my Kindle.
I didn’t sympathize with Troy at all. He made a big mistake and completely betrayed Breanna. If I were Breanna (The irony! Oh is there an inside joke to that statement.), I definitely would not forgive Troy for what he did. But the circumstances surrounding his choices have changed now; he’s a widower and has an 8-year old daughter to care for. But his love for Breanna remains the same, if not stronger. He feels like she is the one he should have ended up with but that mistake he made while in a drunken stupor ruined that possibility. Or has it?
The ending felt a bit rushed. The book is pretty short as it is, at only 144 pages long. I think the book could have go on quite a bit longer, thus being able to fill in some of the gaps. I would have liked to have read more about Trey’s heritage and his past. His heritage is not touched on until the end, where he goes on a quest, but it wasn’t elaborated on. Another void I found and wanted to know more about was Trey’s father. His father is mentioned a couple of times and it’s obvious that he’s no longer in the picture, but why? What happened to him? And even though Troy has a daughter she only makes a few appearances and we don’t hear much about her either. Kids come with the package so I thought we would have had seen a little more interaction with her character.
Always a Bridesmaid had a great start but I felt that the ending fell short. I wished it was a bit longer so it could have given me a better feeling about the outcome between Breanna and Troy. But even with its faults, I still enjoyed reading this book.

Might have to give this one a try, thanks for the review! I have an award for you here.