
Bloggiesta: The Starting Line

blogiesta This is my first time participating in Bloggiesta. I think it’s a great opportunity to focus on my blog and fine-tune some things. I am always finding things on my blog that need to be updated, tweaked, removed, added, etc. (My OCD side is seriously going to thank me!)



Here is a list of my goals that I will try to accomplish (in no particular order):

  1. Set up posts for future Teaser Tuesday memes – Drafted 15 future posts
  2. Set up posts for future On My Wishlist memes – Drafted 15 future posts
  3. Set up review posts for upcoming reads – Progress: 7/15 completed
  4. Write out and schedule review posts for books I’ve already read (5 reviews)
  5. Clean up my feed reader (Bloglines – 958 items to read)
  6. Clean up my post labels
  7. Back up my blog
  8. Add a copyright footer
  9. Add feed burner copyright – Not sure I did this correctly O_o
  10. Update my pages (update my Review Policy, add an About Me page)
  11. Change the background color for quotes in my post from white to pink (just keep the dotted outline) – I decided to keep the white background but I did change the border :)
  12. ETA: Change font size from LARGE to NORMAL for all my blog posts – Decided against this.
  13. ETA: Update my Challenges posts
  14. ETA: Catch up on email
  15. ETA: Create a contact list of fellow book bloggers, authors, publishers and publicists
  16. ETA: Get Birthday Contest post ready
  17. ETA: Post Contest/Giveaway rules (page)
  18. ETA: Get posts ready for The Missing Book Tour
  19. ETA: Get (2) author interviews ready
  20. ETA: Write a post about upcoming author events (book signings)
  21. ETA: Update “buy this book” links to on all reviews
  22. ETA: Update review format on all reviews
  23. ETA: Create a comment message
  24. ETA: Design business cards for blog
  25. ETA: Update On My Wishlist meme descriptions on past posts
  26. ETA: Write out and post review for CSN
  27. ETA: Update Reviews page

As I complete my goals, I will cross them off. I am hoping to complete at least half of this list. As you can see, I have been adding to the list whenever I see a great idea on another blog :)

If you would like to participate in Bloggiesta, you can sign up at Maw Books Blog. Be sure to check out the current challenges as well as the past challenges (for great Bloggiesta ideas)!


If you are participating in Bloggiesta, leave me a comment with a link to your blog so I can cheer you on!

About Brianna: Supermom by day, naughty reader by night. Addicted to chocolate, Twitter, her iPad, her Kindle, and 99¢ Kindle deals. You can follow Brianna on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Instagram.


  1. Nice goals! Most of mine involve just getting caught up on posts and writing. Here's my initial post: http://www.whatbookisthat.com/2010/06/and-theyre-off-bloggiesta-to-do-list.html

    Good luck with your goals! :D

  2. I'm doing Bloggiesta for the first time too... Your To Do List looks a lot like mine! Good luck and have fun!

  3. Good luck! As a newbie to book blogging I find that I am tweeking almost daily how I want the blog to look, adding and taking away, which is funny, cause I don't do this as much with my other blog which I've had for over a year now. I really need to just decide which memes and challenges I want to do, and keep up with my reviews. Great blog you have ; )

    Tomes Devotee

  4. Great goals! Let me know if you need any help this weekend with anything! I'm all yours!

  5. Nice list, I may "borrow" a few of your ideas!
    In answer to your questions, a floating feedback button is a button that "floats" on the screen, just like my back-to-top button (the little blue arrow on the bottom right corner of my site), but it allows visitors to my blog to post comments on my site without it needing to be on a particular post.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog and cheering me on. You sure have a list to work through! LOL Good luck and have fun. I am following you too! Love your blog.

  7. Oh wow! I see a bunch of goals on your list I need to add to mine...trying to cram a million hours of bloggiesta time in before leaving on vacation tomorrow!

    thanks for sharing your list!

  8. Oh lots of things on the to do list there. I've got a lot of these same things on my to do list. Should be fun getting it all squared away.

    Good luck on your stuff sweetie, I'm cheering you on!

  9. Wow, you have a long list of tasks. Good luck with completing them, and remember to have fun! :)

  10. You already got a lot of things done.

    I'm like you and always find things that I could change on my blog.

  11. Congrats on everything you've gotten done so far, I'm impressed! I love the look of your blog and I'm your newest follower.

  12. Good luck on your goals :) ...hope your having a great bloggiesta weekend.


  13. Thanks for sharing! I think we might try this Bloggiesta out ;0)

    Grabbed your button for our side bar too


